Patrick May, PhD
Senior Researcher, Head of Genome Analysis
- Bioinformatics Core, Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine (LCSB), University of Luxembourg (UL)6, avenue du Swing, L-4367 Belvaux
- +352-46 66 44 6263
2002 Diploma Biology, Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany
2003 M.Sc. Bioinformatics, Applied University Berlin, Germany
2003-2006 Researcher, Computer Science Department, Zuse Institute, Berlin, Germany
2006-2007 Researcher, Algorithmic Bioinformatics, Free University, Berlin, Germany
2007 Dr. rer. Nat (PhD) in Theoretical Biochemistry, Free University, Berlin, Germany
2007-2010 Postdoc, Bioinformatics Group, MPI for Molecular Plant Physiology, Potsdam, Germany and the German Systems Biology project GoFORSYS
2009 Visiting scientist at the Molecular Systems Biology Department, University of Vienna, Austria
2010-2011 Bioinformatics consultant, MPI for Molecular Plant Physiology, Potsdam, Germany
2010-2015 ISB/LCSB fellow, LCSB, UL, Belvaux Luxembourg
2010-2015 Visiting scholar, Institute for Systems Biology, Seattle, USA
2015-present Senior Researcher, Head of Genome Analysis team, Bioinformatics Group, LCSB, UL, Belvaux, Luxembourg
2015-present Principal Investigator, National Centre of Excellence in Research on Parkinson’s Research (NCER-PD), UL, Belvaux, Luxembourg
2016-present Cofounder of MeGeno S.A., Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg
2016-present Co-head of LCSB sequencing facility, Belvaux, Luxembourg
2017 ADR (“Autorisation à diriger des recherches”, right to supervise PhD students), UL, Belvaux, Luxembourg
2018 Visiting scientist at Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT, Cambridge, USA
2002 Best exam award, University of Applied Sciences, Berlin, Germany
2003 ECCB travel grant, Paris, France
2010-2015 ISB/LCSB fellowship
From 91 original publications; total citations: 3,765; h-index: 32.
- May P, Liao W, Wu Y, Shuai B, McCombie WR, Zhang MQ, Liu QA. The effects of carbon dioxide and temperature on microRNA expression in Arabidopsis development. Nat Commun 2013;4:2145. [IF:10.7]
- Krishna A, Biryukov M, Trefois C, Antony PM, Hussong R, Lin J, Heinäniemi M, Glusman G, Köglsberger S, Boyd O, van den Berg BH, Linke D, Huang D, Wang K, Hood L, Tholey A, Schneider R, Galas DJ, Balling R, May P. Systems genomics evaluation of the SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cell line as a model for Parkinson’s disease. BMC Genomics 2014;15:1154. [IF:4.0]
- Heintz-Buschart A, May P, Laczny CC, Lebrun LA, Bellora C, Krishna A, Wampach L, Schneider JG, Hogan A, Beaufort C, Wilmes P. Integrated multi-omics of the human gut microbiome in a case study of familial type 1 diabetes. Nat Microbiol 2016;2:16180. [IF:14.2]
- Blauwendraat C, Faghri F, Pihlstrom L, Geiger JT, Elbaz A, Lesage S, Corvol JC, May P, Nicolas A, Abramzon Y, Murphy NA, Gibbs JR, Ryten M, Ferrari R, Bras J, Guerreiro R, Williams J, Sims R, Lubbe S, Hernandez DG, Mok KY, Robak L, Campbell RH, Rogaeva E, Traynor BJ, Chia R, Chung SJ, Hardy JA, Brice A, Wood NW, Houlden H, Shulman JM, Morris HR, Gasser T, Krüger R, Heutink P, Sharma M, Simón-Sánchez J, Nalls MA, Singleton AB, Scholz SW. NeuroChip, an updated version of the NeuroX genotyping platform to rapidly screen for variants associated with neurological diseases. Neurobiol Aging 2017;57:247.e9-247. [IF:4.5]
- Hartl D, May P (equally contributing first author), Gu W, Mayhaus M, Pichler S, Spaniol C, Glaab E, Bobbili DR, Antony P, Koegelsberger S, Kurz A, Grimmer T, Morgan K, Vardarajan BN, Reitz C, Hardy J, Bras J, Guerreiro R, Balling R, Schneider JG, Riemenschneider M. A rare loss-of-function variant of ADAM17 is associated with late-onset familial Alzheimer disease. Mol Psychiatry 2018 [Epub ahead of print] [IF:12.0]
- May P (equally contributing first author), Girard S, Harrer M, Bobbili DR, Schubert J, Wolking S, Becker F, Lachance-Touchette P, Meloche C, Gravel M, Niturad CE, Knaus J, De Kovel C, Toliat M, Polvi A, Iacomino M, Guerrero-López R, Baulac S, Marini C, Thiele H, Altmüller J, Jabbari K, Ruppert AK, Jurkowski W, Lal D, Rusconi R, Cestèle S, Terragni B, Coombs ID, Reid CA, Striano P, Caglayan H, Siren A, Everett K, Møller RS, Hjalgrim H, Muhle H, Helbig I, Kunz WS, Weber YG, Weckhuysen S, Jonghe P, Sisodiya SM, Nabbout R, Franceschetti S, Coppola A, Vari MS, Kasteleijn-Nolst Trenité D, Baykan B, Ozbek U, Bebek N, Klein KM, Rosenow F, Nguyen DK, Dubeau F, Carmant L, Lortie A, Desbiens R, Clément JF, Cieuta-Walti C, Sills GJ, Auce P, Francis B, Johnson MR, Marson AG, Berghuis B, Sander JW, Avbersek A, McCormack M, Cavalleri GL, Delanty N, Depondt C, Krenn M, Zimprich F, Peter S, Nikanorova M, Kraaij R, van Rooij J, Balling R, Ikram MA, Uitterlinden AG, Avanzini G, Schorge S, Petrou S, Mantegazza M, Sander T, LeGuern E, Serratosa JM, Koeleman BPC, Palotie A, Lehesjoki AE, Nothnagel M, Nürnberg P, Maljevic S, Zara F, Cossette P, Krause R, Lerche H; Epicure Consortium; EuroEPINOMICS CoGIE Consortium; EpiPGX Consortium. Rare coding variants in genes encoding GABAA receptors in genetic generalised epilepsies: an exome-based case-control study. Lancet Neurol 2018;17:699-708. [IF:28.8]
- Gutbier S, May P, Berthelot S, Krishna A, Trefzer T, Behbehani M, Efremova L, Delp J, Gstraunthaler G, Waldmann T, Leist M. Major changes of cell function and toxicant sensitivity in cultured cells undergoing mild, quasi-natural genetic drift. Arch Toxicol 2018;92:3487-3503. [IF:5.7]
- Du J, Sudarsanam M, Perez-Palma E, Ganna A, Francioli L, Iqbal S, Niestroj LM, Leu C, Weisburd B, Poterba T, Nürnberg P, Daly MJ, Palotie A, May P, Lal D. Variant Score Ranker – a web application for intuitive missense variant prioritization. Bioinformatics 2019 [Epub ahead of print] [IF:4.5]
- Perez-Palma E, Gramm M, Nürnberg P, May P, Lal D. Simple ClinVar: an interactive web server to explore and retrieve gene and disease variants in ClinVar database. Nucleic Acids Res 2019;47:W99-W105. [IF:11.1]
- Epi25 Collaborative: Feng YA, Howrigan DP, Abbott LE, Tashman K, Cerrato F, Singh T, Heyne H, Byrnes A, Churchhouse C, Watts N, Solomonson M, Lal D, Heinzen EL, Dhindsa RS, Stanley KE, Cavalleri GL, Hakonarson H, Helbig I, Krause R, May P, Weckhuysen S, Petrovski S, Kamalakaran S, Sisodiya SM, Cossette P, Cotsapas C, De Jonghe P, Dixon-Salazar T, Guerrini R, Kwan P, Marson AG, Stewart R, Depondt C, Dlugos DJ, Scheffer IE, Striano P, Freyer C, McKenna K, Regan BM, Bellows ST, Leu C, Bennett CA, Johns EMC, Macdonald A, Shilling H, Burgess R, Weckhuysen D, Bahlo M, O’Brien TJ, Todaro M, Stamberger H, Andrade DM, Sadoway TR, Mo K, Krestel H, Gallati S, Papacostas SS, Kousiappa I, Tanteles GA, Štěrbová K, Vlčková M, Sedláčková L, Laššuthová P, Klein KM, Rosenow F, Reif PS, Knake S, Kunz WS, Zsurka G, Elger CE, Bauer J, Rademacher M, Pendziwiat M, Muhle H, Rademacher A, van Baalen A, von Spiczak S, Stephani U, Afawi Z, Korczyn AD, Kanaan M, Canavati C, Kurlemann G, Müller-Schlüter K, Kluger G, Häusler M, Blatt I, Lemke JR, Krey I, Weber YG, Wolking S, Becker F, Hengsbach C, Rau S, Maisch AF, Steinhoff BJ, Schulze-Bonhage A, Schubert-Bast S, Schreiber H, Borggräfe I, Schankin CJ, Mayer T, Korinthenberg R, Brockmann K, Kurlemann G, Dennig D, Madeleyn R, Kälviäinen R, Auvinen P, Saarela A, Linnankivi T, Lehesjoki AE, Rees MI, Chung SK, Pickrell WO, Powell R, Schneider N, Balestrini S, Zagaglia S, Braatz V, Johnson MR, Auce P, Sills GJ, Baum LW, Sham PC, Cherny SS, Lui CHT, Barišić N, Delanty N, Doherty CP, Shukralla A, McCormack M, El-Naggar H, Canafoglia L, Franceschetti S, Castellotti B, Granata T, Zara F, Iacomino M, Madia F, Vari MS, Mancardi MM, Salpietro V, Bisulli F, Tinuper P, Licchetta L, Pippucci T, Stipa C, Minardi R, Gambardella A, Labate A, Annesi G, Manna L, Gagliardi M, Parrini E, Mei D, Vetro A, Bianchini C, Montomoli M, Doccini V, Marini C, Suzuki T, Inoue Y, Yamakawa K, Tumiene B, Sadleir LG, King C, Mountier E, Caglayan SH, Arslan M, Yapıcı Z, Yis U, Topaloglu P, Kara B, Turkdogan D, Gundogdu-Eken A, Bebek N, Uğur-İşeri S, Baykan B, Salman B, Haryanyan G, Yücesan E, Kesim Y, Özkara Ç, Poduri A, Shiedley BR, Shain C, Buono RJ, Ferraro TN, Sperling MR, Lo W, Privitera M, French JA, Schachter S, Kuzniecky RI, Devinsky O, Hegde M, Khankhanian P, Helbig KL, Ellis CA, Spalletta G, Piras F, Piras F, Gili T, Ciullo V, Reif A, McQuillin A, Bass N, McIntosh A, Blackwood D, Johnstone M, Palotie A, Pato MT, Pato CN, Bromet EJ, Carvalho CB, Achtyes ED, Azevedo MH, Kotov R, Lehrer DS, Malaspina D, Marder SR, Medeiros H, Morley CP, Perkins DO, Sobell JL, Buckley PF, Macciardi F, Rapaport MH, Knowles JA, Fanous AH, McCarroll SA, Gupta N, Gabriel SB, Daly MJ, Lander ES, Lowenstein DH, Goldstein DB, Lerche H, Berkovic SF, Neale BM. Ultra-rare genetic variation in the epilepsies: a whole-exome sequencing study of 17,606 individuals. Am J Hum Genet 2019;105:267-282. [IF:9.9]