Frank Kaiser, PhD
Head (Institute for Human Genetics), W3 Professor
- University of Duisburg-Essen, University Hospital of Essen, Hufelandstraße 55, 45122 Essen, Germany
- +49-201-7234560
- +49-201-7235900
1993-1999 Biology (Ruhr-University of Bochum, Germany)
1999-2000 Diploma Thesis (AG for Molecular Genetics, Bochum)
2000-2003 PhD training (Institute for Human Genetics, Essen, Germany; Laboratory of Bernhard Horsthemke)
2003-2006 Research Fellow (Institute for Human Genetics, Essen, Germany)
2006-2008 Research group leader (Institute for Human Genetics, Lübeck, Germany)
2008-2014 Head of the molecular laboratory at the Institute for Human Genetics
2013-present Principal Investigator and member of the German Center for Cardiovascular Research (DZHK)
2013 Habilitation
2014-2019 Head of Section for Functional Genetics, University of Lübeck
2018-2019 Director (interim) of the Institute for Human Genetics, University of Lübeck
10/2019 Director of the Institute for Human Genetics, University of Duisburg-Essen
2001-present Member of the German Society of Human Genetics
2012-present Member of the European Society of Human Genetics
2012-2015 Board Member of the German Academy for Human Genetics (representative of the section for molecular genetics)
2013-present Member of the American Society of Human Genetics
2013-present Coordinator of the E-Rare European Research Network “TARGET-CdLS”
2014-present Member of the programme commission of the German Society of Human Genetics
2014-present Member of the scientific advisory board of the CdLS foundation
2002 Winner of the first PhD/MD training award of the University of Duisburg Essen (best poster and best oral presentation)
2007 Travel award of the German Society of Human Genetics
2007 Isabelle Oberlé Award of the European Society of Human Genetics
2011 Travel award of the International Conference for Human Genetics (ICHG, Montral Canada)
2012 Dr. Holger Müller Research Award (Care for Rare Foundation)
2015 Frank Majewski Award
From 66 original publications; total citations: 2,644; h-index: 27
- Kaiser FJ, Osmanoric A, Rakovic A, Erogullari A, Uflacker N, Braunholz D, Lohnau T, Orolicki S, Albrecht M, Gillessen-Kaesbach G, Klein C, Lohmann K. The dystonia gene DYT1 is repressed by the transcription factor THAP1 (DYT6). Ann Neurol 2010;68:554-559. [IF: 10.7]
- Lohmann K, Wilcox RA, Winkler S, Ramirez A, Rakovic A, Park JS, Arns B, Lohnau T, Groen J, Kasten M, Brüggemann N, Hagenah J, Schmidt A, Kaiser FJ, Kumar KR, Zschiedrich K, Alvarez-Fischer D, Altenmüller E, Ferbert A, Lang AE, Münchau A, Kostic V, Simonyan K, Agzarian M, Ozelius LJ, Langeveld AP, Sue CM, Tijssen MA, Klein C. Whispering dysphonia (DYT4 dystonia) is caused by a mutation in the TUBB4 gene. Ann Neurol. 2012;73:537-545. [IF: 11.2]
- Deardorff MA, Bando M, Nakato R, Watrin E, Itoh T, Minamino M, Saitoh K, Komata M, Katou Y, Clark D, Cole KE, De Baere E, Decroos C, Di Donato N, Ernst S, Francey LJ, Gyftodimou Y, Hirashima K, Hullings M, Ishikawa Y, Jaulin C, Kaur M, Kiyono T, Lombardi PM, Magnaghi-Jaulin L, Mortier GR, Nozaki N, Petersen MB, Seimiya H, Siu VM, Suzuki Y, Takagaki K, Wilde JJ, Willems PJ, Prigent C, Gillessen-Kaesbach G, Christianson DW, Kaiser FJ, Jackson LG, Hirota T, Krantz ID, Shirahige K. HDAC8 mutations in Cornelia de Lange syndrome affect the cohesin acetylation cycle. Nature 2012;489:313-317. [IF: 38.6]
- Deardorff MA, Wilde JJ, Albrecht M, Dickinson E, Tennstedt S, Braunholz D, Mönnich M, Yan Y, Xu W, Gil-Rodríguez MC, Clark D, Hakonarson H, Halbach S, Michelis LD, Rampuria A, Rossier E, Spranger S, Van Maldergem L, Lynch SA, Gillessen-Kaesbach G, Lüdecke HJ, Ramsay RG, McKay MJ, Krantz ID, Xu H, Horsfield JA, Kaiser FJ. RAD21 Mutations Cause a Human Cohesinopathy. Am J Hum Genet 2012;90:1014-1027. [IF: 11.2]
- Erdmann J, Stark K, Esslinger UB, Rumpf PM, Koesling D, de Wit C, Kaiser FJ, Braunholz D, Medack A, Fischer M, Zimmermann ME, Tennstedt S, Graf E, Eck S, Aherrahrou Z, Nahrstaedt J, Willenborg C, Bruse P, Brænne I, Nöthen MM, Hofmann P, Braund PS, Mergia E, Reinhard W, Burgdorf C, Schreiber S, Balmforth AJ, Hall AS, Bertram L, Steinhagen-Thiessen E, Li SC, März W, Reilly M, Kathiresan S, McPherson R, Walter U; CARDIoGRAM, Ott J, Samani NJ, Strom TM, Meitinger T, Hengstenberg C, Schunkert H. Dysfunctional nitric oxide signalling increases risk of myocardial infarction. Nature 2013;504:432-436. [IF: 42.4]
- Kaiser FJ, Ansari M, Braunholz D, Concepción Gil-Rodríguez M, Decroos C, Wilde JJ, Fincher CT, Kaur M, Bando M, Amor DJ, Atwal PS, Bahlo M, Bowman CM, Bradley JJ, Brunner HG, Clark D, Del Campo M, Di Donato N, Diakumis P, Dubbs H, Dyment DA, Eckhold J, Ernst S, Ferreira JC, Francey LJ, Gehlken U, Guillén-Navarro E, Gyftodimou Y, Hall BD, Hennekam R, Hudgins L, Hullings M, Hunter JM, Yntema H, Innes AM, Kline AD, Krumina Z, Lee H, Leppig K, Lynch SA, Mallozzi MB, Mannini L, McKee S, Mehta SG, Micule I; Care4Rare Canada Consortium, Mohammed S, Moran E, Mortier GR, Moser JA, Noon SE, Nozaki N, Nunes L, Pappas JG, Penney LS, Pérez-Aytés A, Petersen MB, Puisac B, Revencu N, Roeder E, Saitta S, Scheuerle AE, Schindeler KL, Siu VM, Stark Z, Strom SP, Thiese H, Vater I, Willems P, Williamson K, Wilson LC; University of Washington Center for Mendelian Genomics, Hakonarson H, Quintero-Rivera F, Wierzba J, Musio A, Gillessen-Kaesbach G, Ramos FJ, Jackson LG, Shirahige K, Pié J, Christianson DW, Krantz ID, Fitzpatrick DR, Deardorff MA. Loss-of-function HDAC8 mutations cause a phenotypic spectrum of Cornelia de Lange syndrome-like features, ocular hypertelorism, large fontanelle and X-linked inheritance. Hum Mol Genet 2014;23:2888-2900. [IF: 6.4]
- Braunholz D, Obieglo C, Parenti I, Pozojevic J, Eckhold J, Reiz B, Braenne I, Wendt KS, Watrin E, Vodopiutz J, Rieder H, Gillessen-Kaesbach G, Kaiser FJ. Hidden mutations in Cornelia de Lange syndrome limitations of Sanger sequencing in molecular diagnostics. Hum Mutat 2015;36:26-29. [IF: 5.1]
- Kline AD, Moss JF, Selicorni A, Bisgaard AM, Deardorff MA, Gillett PM, Ishman SL, Kerr LM, Levin AV, Mulder PA, Ramos FJ, Wierzba J, Ajmone PF, Axtell D, Blagowidow N, Cereda A, Costantino A, Cormier-Daire V, FitzPatrick D, Grados M, Groves L, Guthrie W, Huisman S, Kaiser FJ, Koekkoek G, Levis M, Mariani M, McCleery JP, Menke LA, Metrena A, O’Connor J, Oliver C, Pie J, Piening S, Potter CJ, Quaglio AL, Redeker E, Richman D, Rigamonti C, Shi A, Tümer Z, Van Balkom IDC, Hennekam RC. Diagnosis and management of Cornelia de Lange syndrome: first international consensus statement. Nat Rev Genet 2018;19:649-666. [IF: 42.8]
- Fountain MD, Oleson DS, Rech ME, Segebrecht L, Hunter JV, McCarthy JM, Lupo PJ, Holtgrewe M, Moran R, Rosenfeld JA, Isidor B, Le Caignec C, Saenz MS, Pedersen RC, Morgan TM, Pfotenhauer JP, Xia F, Bi W, Kang SL, Patel A, Krantz ID, Raible SE, Smith W, Cristian I, Torti E, Juusola J, Millan F, Wentzensen IM, Person RE, Küry S, Bézieau S, Uguen K, Férec C, Munnich A, van Haelst M, Lichtenbelt KD, van Gassen K, Hagelstrom T, Chawla A, Perry DL, Taft RJ, Jones M, Masser-Frye D, Dyment D, Venkateswaran S, Li C, Escobar LF, Horn D, Spillmann RC, Peña L, Wierzba J, Strom TM, Parenti I, Kaiser FJ, Ehmke N, Schaaf CP. Pathogenic variants in USP7 cause a neurodevelopmental disorder with speech delays, altered behavior, and neurologic anomalies. Genet Med 2019;21:1797-1807. [IF: 8.7]
- Nagy V, Hollstein R, Pai TP, Herde MK, Buphamalai P, Moeseneder P, Lenartowicz E, Kavirayani A, Korenke GC, Kozieradzki I, Nitsch R, Cicvaric A, Monje Quiroga FJ, Deardorff MA, Bedoukian EC, Li Y, Yigit G, Menche J, Perçin EF, Wollnik B, Henneberger C, Kaiser FJ, Penninger JM. HACE1 deficiency leads to structural and functional neurodevelopmental defects. Neurol Genet 2019;5:e330. [IF: NA]